Wednesday, October 10, 2012

CODAME Party!!!

Come join us all at the upcoming CODAME party on October 27th, 2012!  We're proud sponsors!  We'll be there in one of the more chilled out lounge rooms demoing Tabletop to anyone who wants to check it out or learn more.  It should be a really fun evening with lots of creative people, and interesting creations from both visual artists and musicians.  The event will be going on from 8pm-3am on several floors, including a huge rooftop dance-floor.  This is one event you don't want to miss for sure.  Ticket costs are on a sliding scale/donation basis.  RSVP for location.


  1. This is one event you don't want to miss for sure.

  2. It should be a really fun evening with lots of creative people, and interesting creations from both visual artists and musicians.
