Wednesday, May 2, 2018

UPDATE AVAILABLE: iMPC version 1.4.2

Here's a full list of all of the bug fixes and performance improvements included. If you're happy with this update, please leave us a review on our iMPC App Store page. :)

New In This Version:

- Tap Tempo, "Clone and Edit Sound", and sequence number labels are no longer cut off on some iPad/OS combinations
- Fixed crash in news feed when scrolling through SoundCloud Following list
- Fixed crash when disabling the Bitcrusher
- Users are no longer able to attempt a SoundCloud upload with no track name (error 422)
- Fixed bug in which sometimes tracks were uploaded to SoundCloud as Private when Public was selected
- Fixed infinite spinner over news feed button that happened sometimes
- "More Compatible Apps" menu now functions properly again
- Green SoundCloud success checkmark no longer appears when the SoundCloud upload has failed
- Fixed blank screen that could occur when going to and from the sampler in Program Editor
- MIDI is not sent out to other software running in the background on the iPad when pads are hit
- Various small tweaks here and there

If you have questions, feel free to email our support team at or comment below.

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