We’re proud to bring you the ultimate loop recording/performance system for iOS: Looperverse! The Looperverse product lineup includes a wireless stomp pedal and a universal app for iPhone and iPad. Looperverse merges the classic pedal-based live looping workflow –– utilized by Ed Sheeran, DubFX, DJ Quest, and more –– with powerful multitouch editing features.

Including an array of advanced tools, Looperverse makes recording, editing, and customizing loops simple. Continuously record up to 16 tracks worth of content and immediately edit them. It features advanced waveform editing, pitch shifting, time stretching, live reverse, extensive undo/redo, time signature support, and more.
Looperverse is optimized to work within our ecosystem of Retronyms apps, as well as supporting AudioBus, interapp audio, and Ableton Link. Limitlessly modify your scenes and explore phrases and riffs with Looperverse!

The Looperverse Pedal is a smart pedal designed to integrate with the Looperverse app. Get the iOS app free with purchase of the pedal (via an iTunes gift card). The pedal provides 6 premium quality switches pre-mapped to undo, redo, clear, tap tempo, record, and playback.
Looperverse Pedal will work as a standalone pedal with any device that supports Bluetooth MIDI.. The pedal supports the Bluetooth (BTLE) MIDI standard and it's compatible with virtually any software on any device. You can control Looperverse from external hardware and remap to your liking with MIDI and MIDI Learn support.
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