Free update available for Tabletop available now. Includes stability improvements and various bug fixes. Note, there is one minor temporary issue that may appear with sessions that have 2+ iMini's after the update. See here for the fix.
Black Friday, Cyber Monday Sale
Now through Monday — 3 amazing Tabletop effects are half price (or less)!

Deadbeat: Beat Dropper, Sound Mangler
An expressive surface that uses the accelerometer to stutter and filter the beat. Grab your iPad, and launch Tabletop into the 7th dimension. Buy now in Tabletop —

Boomroom: Transcendent Reverb
The Boomroom is a high quality reverb with mind-blowing visuals. “Pinch to boom” and create massive, cavernous sounds. Watch and listen as your kicks and snares emanate and clear out your chakras. You’ve never seen or heard a reverb like this. Buy now in Tabletop —

Cueboard: Beat Juggler
Resample, chop, and juggle your session. Capture any input, and flip the beat to your heart’s content! Buy now in Tabletop —
Check them out in the in-app Store! Download Tabletop for Free!